And as I see the way parents, teachers and priests teach religion to children, I’m coming to the conclusion that Christianity is child abuse. Evangelicals, in particular, read their kids the horror stories of the Bible -- the Israelites committing genocide in the book of Joshua, Jehovah constantly killing or threatening to kill individual people or even all mankind -- and then terrorize children with fairy tales about spending eternity in hellfire. They inculcate a fear and hatred of new ideas. They teach kids never to question authority -- never to think, to decide for themselves.
And how can any parent tell their child that God killed his own son for no apparent reason?
different books of the Bible prescribe killing your own children, for various
The priests fill their heads with lies, superstition and stupidity. They want science out of the schools -- and prayer into the schools. They tell kids that observable scientific fact -- global warming, evolution -- is just plain wrong; why don't they stop medical schools from teaching anatomy and physiology because it proves that the virgin birth is impossible? Imagine what butchers our doctors would be.
Evangelicals, like the Nazis, target children deliberately, selling a dangerous product to vulnerable minds, like crack dealers. Children have a right to be protected from such abuse, don’t you think?
Kids should never be taught hate or ignorance. If kids were taught to think and question, instead of hating, there would be no suicide bombers.
And then they insist that one of the most dangerous things for children -- sex -- is the one thing they should never have explained to them, so they can be safe. Protecting children from the dangers of the world is admirable, but protecting them from knowledge of the dangers of the world is indeed child abuse.
If a cult brainwashed and abused children the way our established religions have, the police would be at the door lickety-split. Wouldn’t they?